As soon as this find was publicised, people from Donington began the campaign to have him brought back to Donington as his final resting place. 

The Matthew Flinders Bring Him Home Group was established with this sole aim. The Group worked with Matthew's direct descendants, the Church Authorities at Lincoln, Sir John Hayes MP, who raised the issue in the House of Commons, and gained much support. 

The campaign was successful and on 17th October 2019 the decision was announced that Matthew's mortal remains would return to Donington for reburial.

Plans were put in place over years for the reinterment which was in the North Aisle of the Church,  adjacent to the Flinders Stained Glass Window. 

The preparation work involved an archaeological survey of this part of the church; church permissions / Faculties; the design and creation of an appropriate Ledger Stone for on top of the grave to provide an appropriate and permanent tribute to this great man. 

Fund raising for all of this was started, please see the Make A Donation section to support these works and to ensure Matthew has a permanent and fitting memorial!

                                                                                            St Mary and Holy Rood Church, Donington